This Onebill Code of Practice for Premium Rate Services informs you about our policies on providing information about Premium Rate Services (PRS) and on our call charging policy for call to NTS and PRS numbers.

Premium Rate Services

Premium rate services (PRS) are telephone numbers that offer some form of information or entertainment that is charged to your phone bill. UK-based PRS numbers are normally prefixed by “09”. 0871 is now also designated as a Premium rate number and subject to PRS regulation. Typical services include TV vote-lines, mobile ring-tone downloads, technical help-lines, charity fund-raising and adult entertainment.

Charges for these services are added to your telephone bill. Calling a PRS number generally costs between 10 pence and £1.50 per minute, per call or per text (incl. vat). Calling these services from, for example, mobile phones, cable networks or public payphones will generally cost more than the advertised rate but communication providers must publish calls to 0870 numbers where these are higher than calls to geographic numbers. Our charges for calling these services are shown in our price list, which is available on request from our Customer Services Team on Customer Service: 0344 880 4444 and via our website HERE.

If you have a problem with PRS, we can help. We can provide advice on checking the telephone number of any PRS charges that appear on your bill and will try to help you identify the premium rate service provider. We can use call barring to restrict access to “09” numbers. Please call our Customer Service Team on Customer service: 0344 880 4444 for advice on this. We can give you a fact sheet on PRS.

You can also ask for help from PhonepayPlus (formerly ICSTIS) which is the industry-funded regulatory body for Premium Rate Services. PhonepayPlus operates a code of practice that sets out standards for the operation of PRS. You can use the PhonepayPlus website at to check PRS numbers direct or to download a complaint form. PhonepayPlus has legal powers to require a provider of PRS to amend its service or promotional material (or both) and can also impose penalties on content service providers. For other ways to contact PhonepayPlus, see the “Useful addresses” section below.

Premium Rate Services

Number translation services (NTS) are based on numbers that are normally pre-fixed “08”. For example, 0800 and 0808 are used to provide freephone services (some freephone services are also provided on 0500 numbers). 0844 and 0845 numbers are used for dial-up pay-asyou-go Internet access and customer service helplines. 0870 and 0871 numbers are used for information services, technical helplines and telephone banking. They are also used by organisations to help them provide call-management features such as intelligent call routing and fax-to-email services.

Charges for calling services on NTS numbers are added to your telephone bill and prices range from free up to 10p per minute or per call (incl. vat). Calling these services from, for example, mobile phones, cable networks or public payphones will generally cost more than the advertised rate. Our charges for calling these services are shown in our price list, which is available on request from our Customer Services Team on Customer service: 0344 880 4444 and via our website HERE. We can also give you a factsheet on NTS.

If you are unhappy with the help you have received from us on a problem with PRS or NTS, please contact Jaki Swain on Customer service: 0344 880 4444 or email, who has responsibility for compliance with our code of practice for PRS and NTS. You may also complain using the complaints procedure set out in this code including, ultimately, referring your complaint to Ombudsman Services PO Box 730, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 6WU – Tel: 0330 440 1614 – email: – Website:

Internet Diallers

If you use the internet, it is possible for software to be placed on your computer without you knowing using the same methods as for computer viruses. This type of software (known as internet or rogue diallers) can then make calls to PRS and NTS numbers without your knowledge. Software is available to detect this activity and we can help you to access this. Please contact our Customer Services Team on Customer service: 0344 880 4444 for details. PhonepayPlus has been given responsibility for policing this type of activity and you can contact them via to ask for help or to report examples of this type of abuse. For other ways to contact PhonepayPlus, see the “Useful addresses” section below. We can also help by barring calls to 09 numbers.

The Telephone Preference Service

If you don’t want to get sales and marketing calls you have not requested, you can add your details to a list run by the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). If your number is on the list, it is illegal for a company to call you for marketing purposes. You can contact the Telephone Preference Service via or by telephoning 0845 070 0707.

Useful Addresses
